Just imagine for a second, the good old days, when you were a child. You were forced to eat banana for the first time. You loved the taste and became a fan of the fruit ever since. In this article, information will be given on health benefits of bananas. There are many varieties of banana which are grown all over the world, but the most common is the yellow variety. The color of this variety will be green when unripe.

The fruit has long been hailed as Mother Nature’s greatest snack foods, but seldom do many know that it also has numerous health benefits. However, many know banana contains abundant sources of potassium. Read on to know the wonderful nature of this fruit.

  1. Potassium

There are many benefits of having this mineral in your body. But medical science mainly attributes the benefits to proper functioning of the heart and regulation of blood pressure. In fact, potassium balances the amount of the other mineral sodium in the body (sodium can raise the blood pressure). If you follow a healthy lifestyle, you can easily prevent heart attacks and paralytic strokes.

The potassium content can also benefit the bones and kidneys. In fact, potassium can reduce the excretion of calcium content in your urine, thus preventing the formation of kidney stones.

They also contain antioxidants such as dopamine as well catechins, which can prevent heart diseases as well degenerative diseases.

So a banana every day can prevent the occurrence of brittle bones and osteoporosis.

2. Increased Energy

In recent times, you can notice that there are many energy drinks such as Red Bull, energy bards and electrolyte gels. But, very often, you can see the professional athletes having a banana before, during or after a physical activity.

Have you watched a tennis star relishing a banana between games? So this fruit must rank high on the healthy energy sources.

3. Digestion

Do you work in an industry where skipping meals is the order of the day? Then during the lunch hour or evening snacks, ensure to have at least a banana fruit. It can satisfy the hunger of your body for a temporary period.

For a healthy digestive system, you need to include fiber-rich foods in the diet such as banana. Fiber can assist the food to travel smoothly in the digestive tract. A banana is the best choice rather than a laxative for treating occasional constipation.

4. Ulcers

If you are suffering from heartburn, bananas can assist in balancing the stomach pH and also enhance the mucus layer. You can get relief from pain.

In case of ulcers, bananas thicken the protective mucus layer in the stomach, thus preventing the damage due to hydrochloric acid. They also contain protease inhibitors that can eradicate the stomach bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.

5. Vitamin B6

Bananas also contain high levels of vitamin B6, that is important for creation of hemoglobin in the body. B6 also helps to maintain the perfect blood sugar levels. It also breaks down amino acids and produces antibodies that are needed for a strong immune response.

6. Skin Conditions

In a day, nearly billions of banana skins go to the trash can. But medical science has proved that the banana skin is great for treating skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.

In case of pimples, you can rub the fresh peels of the banana skin on the affected area with caution. Ensure that the residue gets absorbed.

7. Vitamins and Minerals

Bananas have the essential levels of vitamin C, manganese and magnesium. They also contain trace minerals such as zinc, selenium, iron and iodine.

8. Mood Enhancer

It contains sufficient levels of tryptophan. When consumed, the body will convert to serotonin. Your body needs to have the required amount of serotonin to reduce stress and have a positive outlook towards life. Serotonin can also regulate the sleep patterns.

9. Hangover Cure

Have been to a party? Did your relatives and other make merry? Now are you suffering from hang-over? You can easily get relief from this symptom. You can make a combination of bananas mixed with coconut milk or berries.


So, the next time you want to buy groceries, do not forget to include this fruit in the list. Agreed, pesticides have been a problem, but if you are concerned about your health, you can definitely find them.

The banana tree is also known for their multiple uses. The banana leaves are used for serving food in Asian countries. There are some tribes who prepare pure banana wine for their religious festivals.

In recent times, staying in the best of health has become mandatory. However, you require not only a healthy diet, but also regular physical activity. Are you a work-at-home graphic designer, who rarely gets time to go to the gym? Do you need motivation for work-outs? Then you can seek the services on personal gym trainers in Bangalore to stay fit and healthy.