Nipple Shield

In case if you are facing a difficult time for the baby to latch on properly the doctor or lactation specialist may suggest the use of a nipple shield. Research does point to the fact that babies who use nipple shield take in more milk as compared to babies who do not use a nipple shield. The main nipple shield breastfeeding advantages are a transition to bottle feeding becomes easy. Take note of the fact that your baby might not be able to drain your entire breast with the aid of a nipple shield, so after nursing, you need to use a breast pump. This reduces the chances of clogged milk ducts ensuring a steady flow of milk.

If you encounter a difficult situation in allowing your baby to latch, the doctor suggests the use of a nipple shield.

The time to use a nipple shield

In the following cases, the use of a nipple shield would work to your benefit. The scenario includes.

  • For breastfeeding a baby who is ill, premature and needs care. In an extended state, the nipple shield is held that allows the baby to latch on properly.
  • Inverted or flat nipples- with the help of nipple shield the nipples can be held in a flat or inverted position helping the baby to latch on in a proper manner
  • Bleeding nipples- Improper latch could traumatize your nipples causing a degree of bleeding. A nipple shield would offer adequate protection to the nipples and helps them to heel.

In spite of the benefits, there are some nipple shield disadvantages you need to be aware

  • The supply of milk is expected to decrease if the nipple is not stimulated in a proper manner
  • It poses to be a difficult task to wean the baby off from a nipple shield
  • There is a major possibility of dealing with clogged milk ducts because of the decrease in milk transfer.

Nipple shields are either formed from latex, rubber or silicone. There are available in various sizes ranging from small to large. In some nipple shields, there is a lower portion paving way for more skin to skin contact.

To use a nipple shield

On to the shied the nipple has to be placed where the brim of the shield has to be upturned. The moments you place the shield smooth out the edges. This ensures that the nipple would stick on to the breast. If you feel that the shield does not stick properly you can moisten the edges with little water. The shield may not fit on to the mouth of the baby. So you can try a bigger size as you need to ensure that it is large for the mouth of your baby.

The module of breast milk operates on the principle of demand and supply. More the milk that is released from the body more the milk is expected to be produced. As the baby might not be able to drain the entire supply of milk, it is suggested that you use a breast pump.