PSLE AL score

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in Singapore has undergone significant changes with the introduction of the new PSLE scoring system. This new approach, focusing on the Achievement Levels (AL) score, aims to reduce the fine differentiation of students and foster a more holistic education system. In this article, we will delve into the details of the PSLE AL score and the new PSLE scoring system, exploring how it impacts students, parents, and educators.

The Rationale Behind the New PSLE Scoring System

Addressing Stress and Anxiety

  • Reducing Stress: The new system aims to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with the previous T-score system, which differentiated students by small decimal points.
  • Holistic Development: By focusing on broader achievement levels, the system encourages a more balanced and holistic approach to education.

Emphasizing Mastery Over Competition

  • Achievement Levels: The PSLE AL score categorizes students into broader bands, emphasizing mastery of subjects over minute differences in scores.
  • Collaborative Learning: Encouraging a less competitive environment promotes collaborative learning and personal growth.

The Structure of the PSLE AL Score

Breakdown of Achievement Levels

  • AL1 to AL8: Students are graded on a scale from AL1 (best) to AL8 (least proficient) based on their performance in each subject.
  • Scoring Bands: Each AL represents a range of marks, with AL1 covering the highest range and AL8 the lowest.

Conversion from Marks to AL Score

  • Mark Ranges: Specific mark ranges correspond to each AL score. For example, AL1 typically ranges from 90-100 marks.
  • Consistent Standards: The consistent standards across subjects ensure fairness in grading.

Impact on Secondary School Placement

Choice Order of Schools

  • Student Preferences: Students and parents are encouraged to list secondary schools based on preferences rather than exact scores.
  • Less Focus on Cut-off Points: The broader AL bands mean less emphasis on precise cut-off points, reducing pressure during the selection process.

Tie-Breaking Mechanisms

  • Citizenship: Singaporean citizens are given priority.
  • Choice Order: If scores are tied, the order of school choice is considered.
  • Balloting: For remaining ties, balloting is used as a last resort.

Benefits of the New PSLE Scoring System

Encouraging Diverse Talents

  • Holistic Assessment: The new system values diverse talents and skills, not just academic achievements.
  • Broader Education Goals: Encourages schools to focus on a broader range of educational goals, including character development and soft skills.

Preparing for the PSLE Under the New Scoring System

Study Strategies

  • Focus on Understanding: Emphasize deep understanding and mastery of subjects.
  • Consistent Practice: Regular practice and revision to reinforce learning.

Time Management

  • Balanced Schedule: Maintain a balanced study schedule, ensuring time for rest and extracurricular activities.
  • Goal Setting: Set realistic and achievable goals for each subject.

Common Misconceptions About the PSLE AL Score

Misunderstanding the AL Bands

  • Broader Ranges: Some may perceive broader AL bands as less rigorous, but they aim to provide a more accurate representation of a student’s abilities.
  • Fair Comparison: The system ensures fair comparison among students by using consistent standards.

Impact on Secondary School Admission

  • School Preferences: The new system emphasizes the importance of choosing schools based on individual preferences and strengths rather than just cut-off points.
  • Holistic Development: Encourages secondary schools to consider a more holistic profile of students.

Expert Insights on the New PSLE Scoring System

Educational Experts

  • Reduced Pressure: Experts agree that the new system reduces unnecessary pressure on young students.
  • Broader Skills Assessment: It allows for a broader assessment of skills and abilities, which is beneficial for long-term educational development.

Parental Perspectives

  • Parental Support: Parents are encouraged to support their children’s holistic development and not just focus on academic achievements.
  • Understanding Changes: Educating parents about the benefits of the new system helps in smooth transition and acceptance.


Introducing the new PSLE scoring system and the PSLE AL score marks a significant shift in Singapore’s education landscape. By emphasizing broader achievement levels and reducing the fine differentiation of students, the system aims to foster a more holistic and balanced approach to education. 

This change benefits students by reducing stress and encourages a more inclusive and diverse recognition of talents and abilities. As parents, educators, and students adapt to this new system, the focus should remain on holistic development, understanding, and mastery of subjects.